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Ivan Kovalenko

Maker. Creator. Explorer.

I am a T-shaped specialist, who creates backend&cloud solutions, and I love to try out something new.

Cloud Backend Embedded Frontend Machine Learning

Lviv, Ukraine

Phone: +380-96-155-5943


LinkedIn: s1ckret

My experience

Cloud services for smart beds

Software Engineer, Middle

(Jan 2022 - Present, 1 yr 6 mos)

This project was about a lot of microservices, IoT and lots of data. I developed several successful PoCs for migrating device communication from on-premises servers to a cloud.

Also I tried myself in the role of developer advocate. I developed 2 internal libraries from the ground up to ease developer effort and standardize our practices. Integrated semantic versioning and created CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions

AWS core services AWS Fargate AWS DynamoDB AWS IoT Core Java 11 Python 3 JUnit Jersey HK2 Guice Spring Boot gRPC REST JMeter Docker MySQL Kafka Hazelcast Shiro DataDog SumoLogic SonarQube GitHub Actions Jenkins
Microservices architecture Cloud computing Aspect-oriented programming CI/CD Writing custom Spring starters Metrics & Monitoring API benchmarking Collecting requirements


Bachelor project

(Apr 2023 - Jun 2023, 2 mos)

The idea of this project is to ease the process of finding an apartment for rent by providing additional details using object detection.

I tried a lot of new tools, learnt a lot of about ML, and it was a lot of fun!

AWS PlanetScale Python 3 FastAPI bs4 PyTorch Svelte CSS Docker MySQL CenterNet
Web-scrapping Object detection System design Database design

Android connectivity service

Software Engineer, Junior

(Jul 2021 - Dec 2021, 6 mos)

Software Engineer, Associate

(Nov 2020 - Jun 2021, 8 mos)

This project was about automotive head units. I developed a backend service, related to connectivity.

AOSP (Android Open Source Project) Java 8 C++ 11 JNI JUnit 5 Mockito Bash Gerrit PlantUML Enterprise Architect
Component-based architecture Event-driven programming SOLID Unit testing Integration testing UML sequence and component diagrams

CANFD-USB adapter (link)

Software Engineer, Junior

(Jul 2021 - Dec 2021, 6 mos)

This project was a collection of software and firmware solutions. I was involved in developing all of the components which include: desktop client, CLI client, server daemon, MCU firmware.

Also, I tried myself in the role of a mentor. I led development with 2 Junior engineers, prioritized and planned tasks. I wrote and maintained documentation, user guides and release pages up to date.

Software Engineer, Associate

(Nov 2020 - Jun 2021, 8 mos)
At this position I was involved in development of all components.

Software Engineer, Trainee

(Aug 2020 - Oct 2020, 3 mos)
At this position I was only developing MCU firmware as PoC.
C FreeRTOS CMake STM32 CAN CANFD ISO 15765-2 (CAN-TP) ISO 15765-3 (UDS) USB CDC Java 8 Scala Futures Python 3 Swing JavaFx JCommander Socket API gRPC Gerrit STM32CubeIDE
Component-based architecture Layer-based architecture Asynchronous programming Concurrency primitives Multithreading Interrupts OSI model Binary protocol design Text protocol design Context switching Active object pattern Priority inversion problem API design Blue/green refactoring Socket programming Quick prototyping Mentoring Task delegation Task planning
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